Tuesday, July 18, 2006

this is in protest of america's so called "war on terrorism".
first let me clarify my position on this topic...i agree that terrorists should not be forgiven n the harshest of punishments possible should be given to these so called jehadis.i agree that known training camps must be targeted and destroyed.any country that promotes terror should be dealt wid in the harshest manner possible.but it doesnt end there...
the most important job of the coalition against terror starts now.im talking about the job of rebuilding the nation from the ashes.investing in the nation.first building hospitals roads and most importantly schools.taking care of the little children who hav been orphaned in the war.the conditions that breed terror are the lack of education and employment oportunities.the children need to be educated and provided with incentives to get education in the coalition nations.employment needs to be generated for the able.
the children who have ben orphaned by the war,those whose brothers and sisters have been killed in the bombings are going to grow up hating america n its coalition.if left to fend for themselves,they will continue to wage war against them.they need to feel a human touch,they need to be fed.the work has only begun.

though america has done the first job well,it has failed to do the second and most important job.if it wants a long lasting end to terror,afghanistan n iraq have to be rebuilt.


Anonymous Meena said...

What an important statement you made- it's amazing that most politicians are not foresighted it enough or maybe just lack the compassion to carry out such plans. as someone famous (Gandhi) said an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind- situation where the potential of future terrorists is not curtailed is disaster waiting in the shadows. US was pushing for democratic elections in Iran; but ultimately I think it is too difficult for outsiders to change foreign systems. You have to remember these are very closed socities which don't even respect women (in most Arab countries, still to this day women are just breeders and not allowed a "democratic secular" type of education. Arab schools themselves are breeding grounds for future terrorists - they are "Islamic schools". So it becomes a question of how to change their systems for the better when they prefer their own system of minimum freedoms...a difficult one.

7:07 PM


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