Thursday, September 14, 2006

we owe it to our nation

we have often accused our political leaders of corruption,inability to fight terror,playing vote bank politics,crime,scandals and what not?!we have protested against the latest round of reservations,the ransacking of gift shops on valentines day,moral policing,unnecesary sensorship and many more such issues that we feel strongly about.
we have demonstrated on the streets,initiated signature campaigns,candlelight protests,gone on hunger strikes and even gone to the extent of self immolation to protest against the government's policies and yet we have almost never achieved our goals.but how many of us have used our simplest fundamental right to vote?to chose leader who we can relat to,who can relate to us an thus help us make our voices heard?
this is our country and it is in the hands of politicians,many of whom are making India bleed for ulterior is our responsibility to make sure that these people dont come to power.we hav to elect the right people.people who can make this country,the India that all of us dream about.
so this election lets play our role,let us vote and help shape India's destiny.Please vote and encourage others to do so.


Blogger Nikhil said...

To quote an American journalist and critic, George Jean Nathan, “Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.”

6:32 PM

Blogger lukwhostalking said...

Yess!! We need to India's vote bank is made up mostly of the rural poor who can easily be influenced. To quote Rahul Gandhi "it is we, the young who have the greatest stake in the progress of this country". We have to make the difference.

5:10 AM


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